How to Bridge $FORM (ERC20) Token To BEP20 (BSC)
Jun 23, 2021
**Make sure you added FORM as a new token: BSC Contract Address: 0x25a528af62e56512a19ce8c3cab427807c28cc19
Step 1: Go to
Step 2: On the top right of the screen, make sure to switch network to “BSC Mainnet”
Step 3: On the top right of the screen, click “Connect to a Wallet” and connect your wallet.
Step 4: Select a token, search “FORM”
Step 5: Enter the amount of FORM Tokens that you wish you swap to BEP20 (amount must be min: 667 FORM)
Step 6: CLICK THE BUTTON “CrossChain Deposit” and just hit “CONFIRM”
Step 7: After completing the small signature, you should be all set to go. Your FORM BEP20 Tokens should start Minting